Thursday, April 23, 2009

Softly Call The Muster.....

If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I'd ever be an Aggie, my automatic response would have been heck no. Ask me today, and my answer is heck yes! I thought an Aggie was a loud, pushy, weird person, that is all about goofy traditions, but the truth is that until you are one you can not understand what it really is to be a part of the Aggie family.

On Tuesday night I attended Muster, which is one of the most valued traditions here at A&M and after the ceremony I understand why. Muster is a ceremony held once a year all over the world and Aggies gather together to honor those who have passed in the past year. There is a list of names that is read off, and as each name is called someone says "here." It signifies that once you have passed, you are still an Aggie, and there will still be someone here to stand for you.

The list of names started with my class of 2012 and went all the way to the class of 1938. It was EVERY Aggie that had died in this last year, and EVERY name had someone that was there for them. It is a great feeling to know that even when I die, I will still be a part of something that is bigger than myself.

One of the things that probably really made my first Muster experience above the normal was the fact that George H.W. Bush was in my section sitting about 2 rows in front of me. He was there with all of his secret service, Mrs. Bush, and Mrs. Gates. He stood and sang the Star Spangled Banner, even though he had a tough time getting up and down from his chair. He stood for the 21 gun salute, and teared up as the list of names was being read. He did not attend Texas A&M, but he is proud Aggie. It was amazing to me that someone as important as him, would sit among the students, and put aside his fame to honor something that he considers to be bigger.

No matter how big or how small the person, at one point we all have to face the end....and I am happy to know that when that time comes for me there will still be thousands of Aggies left to stand for me.

---"We gather today, Aggies all, to recall our past, to strengthen our ties, to honor those who have passed before us....We come today to affirm our commitment, our love for this place and all that it represents."
Jack M. Rains, Muster Speaker 1984

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Mystery To Me....

It's that time of year is winding down and summer is approaching! Yesterday I was digging around in my backpack looking for a pencil or pen, and after searching every pocket twice I finally found one!

Have you ever wondered where all of your lost stuff goes!?? I buy NUMEROUS new pens/pencils/markers at the beginning of every year and by the end of the year I am scraping by just to fine one single pencil! I DON'T throw them away, I DON'T drop them and never pick them up, I DON'T lend them out very often....but yet I DON'T HAVE ANY! What the heck is going on!? It is the same way with my is something I continue to buy more and more of, but I always run out of. I just don't get it. It's not as if people come in and take my socks, nobody wants to wear used socks, you don't see streets or trashcans full of these items, or people on the searching for these things.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Giving Tree

When I was a little girl I LOVED the book The Giving Tree.  I remember my mom had it in her office downtown, and I would read it after school.  I have learned that life IS about giving.  And that in life, there were will always be the givers .....and the takers, but without the takers in life there would be no place to give.

I think that my family is a family tree of givers.  

My Nanny---giver of love and fulfillment in anyway she can

My Grandad--giver of advice, TRUTHFUL at that :))

My Dad--giver of anything that he has to give....truly would give you the shirt off of his back

My Mom--giver of creativity and a new way to see the upside of any situation

My Sister---the giver of truth and loyalty

My Brother--the giver of down to earth real life advice, and always being there to tell me it'll all be okay

I am blessed and I have a much larger family than this, that 99% consists of givers.   My mom would probably laugh when she reads this, but I believe that I am GIVER to the core.  I may take from these people that I have named, because they are always so quick to give to me.  But I believe that giving is something you learn, and I think that when it comes to my friends,  my past/future boyfriends,  I am usually the giver.  I LOVE to be able to do anything for people I care about, and I wouldn't TAKE anything else in the world in exchange for the joy you get when you give.  A giver is a person who gives until they have nothing left to give, and then takes what they get with joy.  

So, yes I do believe that the trait of being a giver is something that is given to you.  I am blessed to have a family of givers, and I will gladly take what they have given me and continue "The Giving Tree."