I can remember when I used to want nothing more than to be a city girl. I would stay up late at night watching shows like Sex and the City, longing to live in a place like that. I thought it was so glamorous, and that for once in my life I wouldn't be bored in a small town. Like many times before in life....I was wrong.
After being in College Station for nearly a year of college, I have learned ONE THING(well maybe more than one) BUT one main important thing. I am a small town girl at heart, and I always will be! Compared to my Houston and Austin friends College Station is a pretty small town, but it is still a city in my eyes.
I miss being able to have one stoplight, and pulling up to a 4-way stop sign where you know the other 3 people also stopped there. I miss reading the paper where the news is about all the people I know getting married and having kids, not about crime. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE COLLEGE STATION. I love the people, and the school, but I miss the fresh air and the stars of being in a small town. Time moves at a different pace in small towns, and that pace never speeds up....When I am here at school, I get a feeling inside that I just need to be free, I am the type of person who NEEDS to go barefoot. I think being from a small town shapes your soul, it forms you into the person you are....and once you are that person there is no going back.
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